Monday, July 30, 2012

Wind Erosion Science Fair Project

24 hour science projects

Wind erosion is another major problem in many parts of the world and it is good to see how bad it is in your vicinity.
For a good science fair project you have to make sure you use the correct scientific method. In a good ebook such as 24 Hour Science Projects you will be able to read all about it.

So, on to our little science e project:

This is what you will need:
  • A few stirring paddles that you will get from a paint store
  • Some broad double sided tape
  • A felt marker
  • A camera for your photos
  • A note book and a pencil for your notes
This is what you have to do:
  1. Stick the double sided tape onto the paddles (as many as you wish to use)
  2. Now you stick the paddles into the ground in various places close to your home, ask an adult to go with you for safety’s sake, mark each one clearly and write it down in your note book.
  3. Make sure the paddles face in different directions such as north, south, east, west, northwest and so on.
  4. Now check on these paddles at regular intervals, say about twice a week.
  5. Record what you see on the paddles and take photos.
  6. Make sure you make a not of the location of each paddle
This project will show you how much wind erosion is in your vicinity by the amount of dust and dirt that are collected on the puddles. Write down exactly what happens and why you think there is a difference in the different paddles. What lies in the vicinity from where the wind came? Did that have any influence on the amount of dirt on the paddles? Does the wind blow mainly from one direction where you stay? Do you think that can have an influence on your project?

Friday, July 20, 2012

Science Project – More About Pollution – Polluting A Pond Or Lake

When you go camping you may think it is fine to wash your clothes and dishes in a pond or lake, but is it the case? Are you polluting it or not? Detergent is supposed to clean, so what does it do to a pond or a lake? For all the info on how to do a good science project as well as examples of projects you can do in 24 hours or less go to: 24 Hour Science projects.

So, to start this science project, formulate your hypothesis. Is the detergent in the lake or pond polluting the water in the pond? Will it have any negative effect on the life on and inside the pond?

What you need for this Science Project:
  • A plastic bag
  • A large bowl of water
  • Liquid detergent
  • Wax paper
  • Fastener or staples
  • A camera for your photos
How to do this Science Project:
  1. Stuff the plastic bag with the wax paper.
  2. Close the bag with the fastener or the staples
  3. For fun draw a duck on it to represent one of the species on the lake or pond
  4. Let your “duck” float on the water in the bowl
  5. Now you add a little detergent to the bowl of water
  6. What happens?
  7. Do you know why it happens?
  8. What is the reason a duck stays afloat and dry in the water?
  9. What changed when you added the detergent to the water?
  10. So, do you think it is a good idea to wash dishes and clothes in a pond or lake?

Just as the oil on a ducks feathers the plastic and wax paper is water repellent, which means the water does not stick to it.
The detergent though, enables the water to stick to greasy materials. This then allows the water to cling to your plastic “duck” and a real ducks feathers making it impossible for the duck to stay dry and afloat.